


Between February 28 and March 1, 2023, a two-day professional field visit of Salzburg and its surroundings took place. The purpose was to network and share experiences on amphibian conservation and best practices for implementing measures for amphibians on roads.

We looked at eight road locations with measures already in place to reduce amphibian run-overs.

Activities related to amphibians were led by Mr. Martin Kyek (Haus der Natur, Institut für Ökologie OG, Salzburg) with colleague Cvetka Lasnik.

Various prefabricated elements of fences, underpasses, and gratings for amphibians were presented, as well as the specifications of individual materials for the implementation of the measures. We examined the appropriate and some deficient implementation of the measures. We also checked the additions and improvements that were implemented subsequently based on the results of the monitoring of the effectiveness of the measures.

As part of the active construction site, where measures are being implemented to protect amphibians, temporary measures (fences) to protect amphibians in construction site areas during construction were also presented. In addition to measures in the area of ​​roads, the implementation of related measures for amphibians in the area of ​​road and railway infrastructure was also presented.

More than twenty years of experience and acquired knowledge on the planning, implementation, and maintenance of measures for amphibians by experts from Austria, which were presented on the field tour, will be used in the planning and implementation of measures on the national roads in Slovenia.

We will implement the solutions seen in the field in the project’s actions.


Photo 1: View of the amphibian construction site

Photo 2: Construction of measures for amphibians, Modermühlweg, Kuchl

Photo 3: Implementation of measures for amphibians, Thumersbach

Photo 4: Implementation of measures in the area of the road and railway line, Piesendorf

Photo 5: Example of a grid, Twenger

Photo 6: Measures for amphibians, Weisspriacher

Photo 7: Conclusion, Weisspriacher

Photo 8: Group photo

Photo: LIFE AMPHICON Archive