In the past two months we finished the establishment of ten planned ponds in Jovsi. As the temperatures rise, they could soon host the first spawning amphibians. Further work on the project site was focused on improvement of terrestrial habitats.
The condition of the land in the vicinity of the newly excavated ponds affects the quality of the water, and many amphibian species spend most of the year on land, where they can be found in a variety of different habitats. Meadows and grasslands are their important feeding habitats, but in many areas these have been left to overgrow due to the abandonment of agricultural activity. To reestablish extensive meadows on those areas, we removed unwanted vegetation on the land in the past weeks. Later, we will make additional measures to prevent the spread of invasive alien plants and encourage the growth of wanted autochthonous species.
We will preserve some hedgerows in between, which will provide shelter for animals on hot dry days, hiding places from predators and possible hibernaculums. As a migration corridors, they will ensure connectivity between land and water habitats and contribute to the mosaic landscape.
Photo: N. Klaužar, T. Peskar