

E.1.1 LIFE notice boards with LIFE and Natura 2000 logo will be prepared. During the project, additional notice boards with relevant data about the project will also be prepared. This action is closely connected to actions C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4, C.5, E.3.1 and E.3.2. LIFE notice boards will promote the project, Natura 2000 network and LIFE fund.


E.1.2 Project website and new project social media (Facebook) profile will be set up. Most of on-line communication activities will take part on internet site as it is the second most important information source on environmental issues right after the television.


E.1.3 Conferences: three 3-day international conferences will be organized. Conferences are important gatherings of experts and stakeholders on international level.


E.1.4 Layman’s report for wider public will serve to inform a broader target groups, policy-makers and non-technical audience about project achievements.


E.1.5 Media and overall project promotion: app. 1,100 media announcements about the project; project promotion at 63 events (at least). Work with media is very important to inform the public about the project objectives, results and amphibian relevant topics. The aim of press conferences is to reveal and promote the project and its results.


E.1.6 Short video clips (app 9 5-minute each) on project progress and project areas and 3 minute and 10-minute promotional videos about the Radensko polje and story of amphibians will be prepared. Short video clips will provide an additional insight in the project and will be effective for overall project promotion.