

The core activity during this phase will be project documentation preparation for 4 (out of 5) project road sections (separately): Radensko polje, Bistra, Pako-Goričica and Podkraj. Depending on project‘s purpose, size, capacity, anticipated impacts and other characteristics project documentation will include various plans and expert‘s detailed reports. The designs will be explained in detail in technical report and represented visually in technical drawings.


Information and guidelines for project documentation preparation for each project will be defined in terms of reference, presented in public tender procedures, during which the design eingeneering teams will be selected.


Preoperational amphibian monitoring results (A.1) as groundwork for further project documentation preparation will suggest the exact micro locations for amphibian tunnels and guiding structures. However, the final design of crossing structures and their exact location will be implied not solely on amphibian-based information, but on other site characteristics as well – surrounding terrain, other infrastructure along the road section, sloping, kerbs, adaptation of drains etc. According to this, the exact locations for elements (tunnels, guiding structures and grid covered tunnels under road junctions) will have to be harmonized with amphibian expert in the design process.


All the proposed project solutions will be technically reviewed by external engineering consultant. Afterwards correspondent project corrections will be included in final project documentation.


Since all of the road projects will be processed as VDJK (»maintenance works for the public benefit«) no building permits are needed, nontheless opinions from competent (local and governmental) authorities which could affect the project design will be included in final project design and afterwards taken into account during project execution.