Print media
- Introductory meeting of Slovenian partners in the LIFE AMPHICON project (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, January–February 2020, p. 7–8)
- A seven-year nature conservation project called LIFE AMPHICON – Amphibian conservation and habitat restoration has begun (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, January–February 2020, p. 24)
- Projekt LIFE AMPHICON: LIFE Amphicon Project: Field Tour of Radensko Polje Landscape Park (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, March 2020, p. 13–14)
- In the Radensko polje Landscape Park within the European
projects Ties of Nature and LIFE Amphicon soon walking and
learning pathways and other investments (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, April–May 2020, p. 12–13)
- First visit of the external supervisor of the LIFE AMPHICON project (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, April–May 2020, p. 13)
- The LIFE Amphicon project with its website (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, July–August 2020, p. 11)
- On the new educational trail all the way to the observation tower on Boštanj (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, July–August 2020, p. 12)
- INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR 2021 – Girl Amphi and amphibians – a demonstration of the cooperation between man and nature! (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, November 2020, p. 21–22)
- February 2, World Wetlands Day (SLO, Naše oko, Februar 2021, p.14)
- Amphibian Migrations (SLO, Delo, March 2021)
- An article on Bombina bombina (SLO, Svet ptic, April 2021, p. 29)
- An amphibian identification key (SLO, Naravoslovna solnica, spring 2021)
- Impressions of traditional hike at Radensko polje (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, October 2021)
- Study visit to Germany and transfer of knowledge (SLO, Grosupeljski odmevi, November 2021)
- Permanent measures to secure more amphibians on the road (SLO, Naš časopis, March 2022)
- Amphibians already on their way to the breeding site (SLO, Sotočje, March 2022)
- Establishment of no fish zone at the pond Trebče (SLO, Naše oko, March 2022)
- Volunteers already setting up fences along the roads (SLO, Slovenske novice, March 2022)
- Pupils discover the lives of amphibians on KP Ljubljansko barje (SLO, Naš časopis, April 2022)
- Action for Triturus carnifex reinforcement (SLO, Naše oko, November 2022)
- Frog wedding in new ponds (SLO, Mostiščar, December 2022)
- Remains of a prehistoric pile dwelling settlement discovered during pond creation in Ljubljansko barje (SLO, Naš časopis, February 2023)
- From amphibian tunnels to frog legs ( SLO, Naš časopis, April 2023)
- 5th graders met frogs and other amphibians (SLO, Glasnik Škofljice, May 2023)
- Vibrant environment in new ponds (SLO, Naš časopis, August 2023)
- Endangered newts have a new home (SLO, Nedelo, September 2023)
- Construction of amphibian tunnels in full swing (SLO, Mostiščar, November 2023)
- Construction of amphibian tunnels in Bistra (SLO, Naš časopis, January 2024)
- Why and where does the Fund have its own pond (Skladovnica, July 2024)
- Fall amphibian migration through new tunnels near Podkraj (SLO, Barjanski list, October 2024)
- Creation of water habitats for amphibians in a project for amphibian conservation and habitat restoration – LIFE AMPHICON (SLO, Varstvo narave, number 34)
Digital media
- Round table – LIFE AMPHICON project presentation (SLO,, November 24, 2019)
- Introductory meeting of Slovenian partners in the LIFE AMPHICON project (SLO, Radio Zeleni val, December 12, 2019)
- Project Manager of the LIFE Stržen project with the first lady of the LIFE Amphicon project (SLO, LIFE Stržen, February 18, 2020)
- Kozjansko Regional Park hosts partners from Denmark and Germany (SLO, Posavski obzornik, February 19, 2020)
- LIFE AMPHICON projekct: field tour of Radensko polje landscape park (SLO, Občina Grosuplje, February 25, 2020)
- After amphibians we recognize wetlands (SLO, MMC RTV SLO, March 2, 2020)
- First visit of LIFE AMPHICON external supervisor (SLO, Občina Grosuplje, March 9, 2020)
- On the territory of Radensko polje lansdcape park soon educational trails, hiking paths and other investments (SLO, Občina Grosuplje, April 21, 2020)
- LIFE AMPHICON project with new website (SLO, Občina Grosuplje, July 7, 2020)
- On the new educational trail all the way to the observation tower on Boštanj (SLO, Občina Grosuplje, July 22, 2020)
- LIFE AMPHICON also wishes students a successful new school year (SLO, Občina Grosuplje, September 1, 2021)
- Nature is the best teacher (SLO, Živim z Naturo 2000, November 16, 2020)
- Amphibian spring migrations (SLO, Morel – press agency, March 2, 2021)
- Frog rescue on their way to mate (SLO, Dnevnik, March 30, 2021)
- Part of pond Trebče will be „no fish zone“ (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, št. 245, December 2021)
- 1st INTERNATIONAL LIFE AMPHICON CONFERENCE (SLO, Tourism Grosuplje, February 16, 2022)
- In the Municipality of Grosuplje new project for the conservation of amphibians (SLO, STA, March 12, 2022)
- How are frogs being rescued in Kozjansko park? (SLO, Večer, April 13, 2022)
- LIFE AMPHICON first international conference (ANGL, Cinea, May 18, 2022)
- The number of amphibians is quickly decreasing (SLO, MMC RTV SLO, May 22, 2022)
- Breeding of Triturus carnifex very successful (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, n. 256/October 2022)
- Triturus carnifex thrive in park Kozjansko (SLO, Delo, November 11, 2022)
- New ponds in Ljubljansko barje and Jovsi (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, n. 257/November 2022)
- Location adequacy assessment for creation of water habitats in Radensko polje (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, n. 258/December 2022)
- A new leaflet on creating ponds (SLO, Živim z Naturo 2000, January 11, 2023)
- LIFE AMPHICON project: Amphibian conservation and habitat restoration (SLO, Regional, February 13, 2023)
- New ponds for amphibians (SLO, Živim z Naturo 2000, February 20, 2023)
- Winter removal of unwanted vegetation in Jovsi (SLO,, February 28, 2023)
- When there is enough amphibians in the bucket, you carry them across the street (SLO, Časoris, March 14, 2023)
- Surroundings of new ponds sowed with grass mix (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, n. 263/May 2023)
- Approaches for restoration of water habitats for amphibians (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, n. 263/May 2023)
- Maintanance works to improve amphibian terrestrial habitats (SLO, Bilten e Natura 2000, n. 265/August 2023)
- The release of Triturus carnifex in the new ponds in Jovsi (SLO, Naravni parki Slovenije, September 2023)
- The release of Triturus carnifex in the new ponds in Jovsi (SLO, Posavski obzornik, September 7, 2023)
- Amphibian tunnels in Ljubljansko barje (SLO, Živim z Naturo 2000, October 26, 2023)
- Excavation of 40 new ponds in Radensko polje completed (SLO, Živim z Naturo 2000, November 11, 2023)
- Pot na Mah, new educational trail on Ljubljansko barje (SLO, Živim z Naturo 2000, June 6, 2024)
- Info center for amphibians in Kozjanski park will open in fall (SLO, Dnevnik, June 12, 2024)
- LIFE AMPHICON: feeling the love for European’s amphibians (ENG, European Commission – CINEA, July 26, 2024)
- Amphibians deserve our love (ENG, European Wilderness Society, August 2024)
- 2nd international LIFE AMPHICON conference (SLO, Dolenjske novice, September 25, 2024)
- Amphians tunnels will be constructed near Trebče pond (SLO, Dnevnik, November 11, 2024)
- Bigger populations of Italian crested newt (SLO, Štajerski val, November 14, 2024)
- Three conutries join forces to protect amphibians (ENG, Slovenia Times, November 19, 2024)
- With resources for frogs a national road will be reconstructed too (SLO, Delo, November 23, 2024)
- Current topic, Amphibian care in Kozjanski park (SLO, Prvi, January 8, 2020)
- Between Nature and Culture: Kozjanski park (SLO, ARS, February 3, 2020)
- Ponds and amphibians (SLO, Radio Koper, June 3, 2020)
- Slow down the speed of your car to save the amphibians (SLO, Val 202, March 3, 2021)
- Around Slovenia (SLO, Radio SLO 1, RTV SLO, March 22, 2021).
- New ponds for amphibians established in Kozjanski Park (SLO, STA, April 18).
- New ponds for amphibians established in Kozjanski Park (SLO, Radio Krka, April 18, 2022).
- In Kozjansko park better days for amphibians (SLO, Radio Štajerski val, March 18, 2022)
- 1st LIFE AMPHICON International Conference successfully completed (SLO, Radio Zeleni val, May 30, 2022)
- Ohranjanje velikega pupka v Kozjanskem parku (SLO, Štajerski val, 23. julij 2024)
- News, Amphibian conservation and habitat restoration has begun (SLO, RTV SLO 1, January 11, 2020)
- Good morning, Traffic threatens amphibians (SLO, RTV SLO 1, February 24, 2020)
- News at 5 p.m., Development of Radensko polje (SLO, RTV SLO 1, April 24, 2020)
- Amphibian migrations (SLO, POP TV – 24 ur, March 6, 2021)
- About animals and people (SLO, RTV SLO 1, March 13, 2021)
- Grosupeljščica river with Radensko polje (SLO, RTV SLO 2, April 30, 2022)
- The number of amphibians is quickly decreasing (SLO, RTV SLO 1, May 22, 2022)
- Panorama: Frog migration – Amphibians are moving towards the ponds and lakes (SLO, RTV SLO 2, March 17, 2023)
- Dobro jutro: The sun woke up amphibians (SLO RTV SLO 1, March 17, 2023)
- Dnevnik: Taking care of amphibians in Kozjansko park (SLO, RTV SLO 1, March 27, 2023)
- O živalih in ljudeh: All about the newts (SLO, RTV SLO 1, May 6, 2023)
- Poročila: Breeding station for Triturus carnifex (SLO, RTV SLO 1, May 15, 2023)
- Slovenska kronika: Returning Triturus carnifex back to nature (SLO, RTV SLO 1, September 12, 2023)
- Biotopi: Nature is in danger (SLO, RTV SLO 1, September 21, 2023)
- Dobro jutro: Žabja domačija (SLO, RTV SLO 1, October 8, 2024)
- O živalih in ljudeh: Frog’s educational trail (SLO, RTV SLO 1, November 2, 2024)
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