

The Coordination Centre for Amphibians (CCA) in Slovenia is “one-stop-shop” for amphibian conservation in Slovenia. The aim is to open more exciting opportunities for networking and capacity building in the field of amphibian conservation, which will result in a general improvement of amphibian populations in Slovenia. The main objective of CCA is to provide information and promote best practice for the conservation of the amphibians, their habitats, migratory routes and road ecology. Through CCA, we want to stimulate the implementation of various measures to minimise the negative impacts of human activities, agriculture and transport systems on herpetofauna and their habitats. Roads often intersect amphibian migratory pathways and on some problematic road sections, we can detect roadkill hotspots.


CKFF is maintaining the national amphibian database for Slovenia, also an important source on amphibian road migrations. Through CCA and BioPortal.si we will further collect publicly available data from citizen science projects as well as random observations by direct contacts with several individuals, societies and nature conservation organisations, all dealing with amphibians and road problem in Slovenia.


Identifying the initial status of the amphibian populations and the threat factors are crucial information for the decision about the best conservation measures for amphibians in the problematic area, which will also ensure the effective protection of the species and their habitats. The planning phase of conservation measures must therefore clearly define the conservation objectives and implement the monitoring of their performance. Only in this way we will ensure the long-term survival of the endangered amphibian populations. For the successful implementation of the action, cooperation with a range of stakeholders and target groups is an important part of the process.


Further information:



  • One week ago, we provided an update on the highly successful First National Frog Patrol Summit. During this event, we had the privilege of meeting our dedicated volunteers in person. In an effort to gain deeper insights into their behavior and motivations, we distributed a concise survey, the results of which we now share in this article....

  • The Coordination Centre for Amphibians (CCA) in Slovenia (Centre for Fauna and Flora Cartography) organised the FIRST NATIONAL FROG PATROLS SUMMIT. The event was primarily intended for meeting and connecting coordinators and participants of actions that take place every year in the springtime at various locations in Slovenia....

  • The Coordination Centre for Amphibians (CCA) in Slovenia invites you to the first national meeting of Frog Patrollers, which is organized in the LIFE AMPHICON project. The meeting will take place on Saturday, 14 October 2023, at 15:00 at the Eko Turizem Pri Starem Mlinu Tourist Farm (Šentjanž nad Štorami 1, Štore)....

  • These days amphibians have started to emerge after the winter. In the first warm rainy evenings, we expect the start of amphibian migrations to their breeding sites. During the breeding season the safety of amphibians highly depends on the work of volunteers on the problematic road sections without underpasses or permanent amphibian fences....

  • Until the start of the new season of amphibian spring migrations, you can shorten the snowy winter days by reading the third edition of the e-newsletter Regljač, which we prepared within the project LIFE AMPHICON with very positive collaboration with the authors of the articles....

  • Springtime brings warmer temperatures and longer days as nature reawakens after a long winter nap....

  • On Wednesday, 10th November 2021 we held an online lecture which was attended by 20 members of the SHS. We presented the LIFE AMPHICON project – AMPHIbian CONservation and Habitat Restoration focusing on the project achievements realised activities and the planned activities regarding amphibians and roads....

  • izvajanja drugih ukrepov za dvoživke – na primer popisi, vzpostavljanje mlak, ukrepi v kopenskih habitatih in podobno. Vljudno vas vabimo, da ukrepe za ohranjanje dvoživk predstavite v novičniku Regljač. Za natančnejše informacije v povezavi z vsebino prispevka nas lahko kontaktirate preko telefonske številke 064 229 577 ali elektronskega naslova: info.varstvodvozivk@ckff.si. Glasujete lahko tudi za dvoživko leta 2021, ki ji bomo v naslednji številki novičnika Regljač namenili posebno stran. Posredujete nam lahko tudi ilustracije, risbe, fotografije, izkušnje, kratke zgodbe ali druga zanimiva gradiva, med katerimi bomo najboljše objavili v naslednji številki in trem poslali tudi praktično nagrado. Rok za oddajo prispevkov in glasov za dvoživko leta 2021 je do torka, 30. 11. 2021.   PRESENTATION OF ACTIVITIES ABOUT AMPHIBIAN CONSERVATION IN SLOVENIA IN THE NEWSLETTER REGLJAČ In the Coordination Centre for Amphibians, we will as well as the last year publish a newsletter Regljač, in which a yearly overview of the implemented activities for the protection of amphibians in Slovenia is presented. The emphasis is on presentations of amphibian Frog Patrol actions on roads and implementation of other amphibian mitigation measures in Slovenia – for example, monitorings, creation and restoration of water and terrestrial habitats. We kindly invite you to present mitigation measures for the conservation of amphibians that took place in 2021 in the newsletter Regljač. For detailed information regarding the content of the article, you can contact us on the mobile phone number 064 229 577 or e-mail: info.varstvodvozivk@ckff.si. ...

  • The website of the Coordination centre for amphibians in Slovenia (CCA) is primarily intended for the presentation and review of activities about conservation of the amphibians and their habitats in Slovenia ...

  • Rainy weather in the coming weeks will stimulate the amphibian spring migrations. On their migration from hibernation to breeding sites, amphibians are frequently victims of roadkills since roads often intersect their traditional migratory routes. ...