The project will be coordinated by the project manager, amphibian expert coordinator and steering committee. In order to ensure that project is implanted according to the plan (scope of the actions, timetable etc.) the progress of different project actions will be measured. This will involve regular meetings with action coordinators (together with the steering committee) and the use of project indicators. The action will be implemented thought the whole project.
An independent external auditor will verify the financial statements provided to the contracting authority in the final report. Coordinating beneficiary will produce “After-LIFE Plan” as a separate chapter of the final report. All partners will be involved in preparation of After LIFE plan. It will be presented in Slovene, German, Danish and English language, in paper and electronic format. It will give details about the actions that will be carried out.
Preoperational monitoring of amphibians is crucial to estimate initial population status of target species. This information is the basis for the decision-making process when, where and which C actions should be applied. It’s also needed for assessment of impact of the project (D.1, D.2).