
Raising awareness about amphibians through new publications

Raising awareness about amphibians through new publications

Educational and awareness raising activities represent crucial support to concrete conservation actions, bringing information about the importance of species conservation and habitat restoration closer to both target groups and the general public.

Within the LIFE AMPHICON project, we are planning to carry out several hands-on workshops and educational days for pupils and students. In addition, we will conduct several lectures for local communities and organize 3 project conferences.

Even though most social events have been cancelled or conducted online due to the current health situation, the project team members are holding our breaths and looking forward to meeting you soon. To help us promote the LIFE AMPHICON project and raise awareness about amphibians, 3 new publications have been released recently.


Aiming to present our project to the broader public, a pocket-size leaflet has been released, holding all the basic information about the project objectives and planned activities. You can access the online version HERE. For printed copies, please contact us at lifeamphicon@gmail.com. Available in Slovene and English.

Amazing World of Amphibians – Memory Game

A new edition of a classic board game. Fifteen pairs of tiles representing Slovenian amphibian fauna, supplemented by a leaflet presenting fun facts about the species presented. Have you ever heard of the Yellow-Bellied Toad’s strategy used to defend itself against its predators? Did you know that the individual color pattern of some species is unique as a human fingerprint? Have you ever heard of an amphibian species that doesn’t need water to reproduce? Available in Slovene.

Identification Key for Slovenian Amphibians

A brochure dedicated to pupils, students and their teachers with clear illustrations of morphological signs and descriptions of all Slovenian amphibian species. Appropriate also for users without prior knowledge about amphibians. Printed on waterproof paper.

The use of dichotomous key will be presented at educational workshops, organised within the project. Online version is available HERE (in Slovene).