Last week we carried out one of the measures for the permanent conservation of amphibian populations in the pond Trebče. Kozjanski park and local fishing association “Sotla” agreed on the possibility of arranging a zone without fish in the Trebče pond, where amphibians lay their spawns. The pond lies along a busy regional road, where every year a temporary protective fence is set up and we transport amphibians across the road to the pond. The presence of fishes in the pond is not suitable for conservation of amphibian populations, as fishes are predators of amphibians. So we came to an agreement with the local fishing association “Sotla” to empty the pond in Trebče and transfer fishes to another location. A barrier will be made on the pond to separate part of the pond with fishes from part of the pond that will represent the fish-free zone. With this action we will ensure a fish-free zone and improve habitat for amphibians.
After emptying the pond, the employees of Kozjanski park picked up and moved the shells that remained in the mud at the bottom of the pond. At the same time, we also transfered one crayfish to another water area.
Photo: Tina Osovnikar, Ema Jevšnik