In the final days of June, we were invited to participate in a traditional event, organised by the Barje Tourist Society (Turistično društvo barje), »Otroške barjanske žabarije«. The event marks the end of the school year and is open to children of all ages. This year, it took place in the sports ground of the Oskar Kovačič Primary School in Ljubljana and attracted a diverse crowd of visitors from near and far.
At our stand, curious visitors got to know some of our most common amphibian species, as well as some other dwellers of the Ljubljana marsh. We also shared information about the LIFE AMPHICON project activities and our efforts to protect amphibians and their habitats.
Our stand was very well visited. The organizers estimated more than 500 children attended the event. Many of them got to see the common toad, the edible frog and the smooth newt up close for the first time in their lives. The encounter with the animals elicited many positive reactions from both the children and their adult companions, which undoubtedly has an impact on attitudes towards their conservation.
We enjoyed the event and look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Barje Tourist Society in the future.

Photo: J. Tarman