In the Radensko polje Landscape Park, we are continuing to dig new ponds for amphibians. So far, we have excavated 25 ponds out of a total of 40 planned in the Radensko polje area. Primarily they are intended for the LIFE AMPHICON target species – the large-sized ponds fit the italian crested newts (Triturus carnifex), while the smaller ponds are more suitable for the yellow-bellied toads (Bombina variegata).
First ponds were established in winter and some of them got their first visitors just a few weeks after they were filled with water. At the end of winter, the smaller ponds were inhabited by brown frogs (Rana sp.) which laid spawns in the ponds. Soon, also other species of amphibians began to appear, including yellow-bellied toads who took advantage of almost every twig or root to attach their eggs to. We were most excited to find two Italian crested newts in the newly established large pond, already in the first spring.
During the summer monitoring, we confirmed the first reproductions, we found rather large tadpoles of brown frogs and yellow-bellied toads in the ponds, some of them were already transformed into juvenile frogs.
This year’s wet summer is favorable for the amphibians, and we hope that the newly established ponds will offer shelter and water source to the animals in those dry periods that are still ahead.