


The Moor Frog (Rana arvalis) is a highly charismatic amphibian species. They become particularly fascinating during their breeding season when the males change the color of their body into vivid blue, and the breeding takes place in groups for just a few days. The sight of plenty of blue frogs in group is something special, attracting numerous nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers, although this can also have negative impacts on them.

Excessive visiting of the Moor Frogs’ breeding grounds causes them stress and disruption. A pair in the mating embrace (known as amplexus) can separate too early, resulting in the female laying unfertilized eggs. Each female only has one chance to breed in a year and with more disturbances, the number of unfertilized eggs increases. Hence, it is crucial that Moor Frogs have enough undisturbed and suitable breeding sites to minimize the negative impact of human presence.

Moor Frogs are primarily distributed in Northern and Eastern Europe. In Slovenia, they are known in Prekmurje, parts of Štajerska and Dolenjska. It was only in 2010 that they were discovered on Ljubljansko Barje, which was quite a surprise. Research quickly showed it is small and isolated population, thus making them as critically endangered.

Within the framework of the LIFE AMPHICON project, we are dedicated to enhancing the Moor Frogs’ habitat on Ljubljansko Barje. Under Action C.5 – Replication and transfer of project solutions and results, we are committed to implementing measures to improve the status of this species in the Ljubljansko Barje area. Preparations for action began in the autumn of 2023 at Ljubljansko Barje Landscape Park. In collaboration with Moor Frog experts, we are planning to construct ten new breeding sites and exploring possibilities for the enhancement of their terrestrial habitat. The implementation of these measures in the field is scheduled for 2024.

Photo: A. Bolčina, K. Drašler, M. Jakopič