A new educational trail will soon come to life near the natural values of Goriški mah and Goričica on the Ljubljana Marshes!
The educational trail will be suitable for visiting on foot or by bicycle. It will be suitable for both individual visitors and guided groups. As part of the LIFE AMPHICON project, up to 6 interpretation stations are planned, where the natural heritage of the Ljubljana Marshes and the surrounding natural values will be presented. At one of the points, there will be an educational pond where the amphibians will be presented with the use of interpretional tools, and with a little luck, visitors will be able to observe wild amphibians in the pond. An outdoor classroom will be arranged for the implementation of guided workshops for school or other groups. Participants will therefore be able to learn about amphibians and aquatic habitats in the outdoor environment. Learning outside the classroom is known to be more effective than classroom learning from pictures and books. With this educational trail, we will thus establish an interesting place equipped with interpretation infrastructure for the implementation of numerous school science days and similar events.
Preparations are currently in full swing, involving cooperation with local communities, local farmers, landowners, authorities and other stakeholders. When planning, we want to coordinate all interests, and before establishing a path in nature, it is necessary to obtain all needed permits. We expect that all details about the route of the trail and the placement of interpretation and urban equipment will be agreed upon by the end of year 2023, and construction is planned for 2024.
The Public institution Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje also works closely with the Municipality of Brezovica in planning the trail. In cooperation with the Municipality, children’s playgrounds at the entry point to the path will be renovated, and an additional station with a bird observatory will be built. Additionally, an initiative was taken for a new pedestrian crossing on the regional road in Goričica, which will increase traffic safety also for the local community.
Photo: K. Korenčan