Last April, the LIFE AMPHICON project team visited collegues from Landschaftserhaltungsverbände (LEV) near Ravensburg in the southern part of Germany. They showed us around their breeding station for the moor frog and shared experience on the measures to protect amphibians. At the beginning of March, they kindly accepted our invitation to visit Slovenia and get to know more about the protected areas included in the LIFE AMPHICON project.
Their two-day visit started at the Ljubljansko barje. We visited new amphibian ponds and exchanged experiences on restoration of their terrestrial habitats. We also made a stop at Podkraj, where construction of amphibian underpasses on the regional road will soon be completed. The following day, we continued learning about amphibian conservation measures in Radensko Polje, and later in Dobrava and Jovsi near Kozjanska Park.
The guests were impressed by the abundance of amphibian populations in our area and had the opportunity to observe some species for the first time in the wild. Particularly valuable was the exchange of experiences in the field of the conservation of the moor frog, the breeding males of which turned blue on the very days of their visit.
Photo: A. Bolčina, P. Hladnik