When applying for the LIFE AMPHICON project, the Municipality of Zagorje ob Savi demonstrated its commitment to biodiversity and wetlands by signing a declaration of support. In addition, it committed to transferring certain project activities to the local environment, which is also experiencing increased amphibian traffic on the roads.
In the beginning of 2023, the first small wetland in Izlake was restored. The Municipality of Zagorje ob Savi has concluded a contract with the Zasavski gusarji (Pirates of Zasavje) association to maintain the wetland.
In the first months of 2024, amphibian experts of the LIFE AMPHICON project from the Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora met with representatives of the municipality of Zagorje ob Savi. The consultation with the Coordination Centre for Amphibians in Slovenia was crucial for strategically placing the new wetlands, as our expertise helped select the most suitable sites. This approach has ensured that the new wetlands will make a real contribution to the conservation of amphibians and their habitats. In addition to the strategic siting of the wetland, its orientation, shape, and depth also need to be planned.
The second pond was excavated on land owned by the municipality. From the photographs it can be seen that the land had to be properly cleaned and prepared for excavation by the public utility company. The bottom was found to be impermeable, which means that it was not necessary to use any type of foil to retain the water. The pond welcomed its first inhabitants quickly after the excavation.
A third pond has been created on land in Orlek, which is owned by the The Farmland anf Forest Fund of the Republic of Slovenia. Prior to the excavation of the new pond, the nearest standing water (and aquatic breeding habitat for amphibians) was provided by two smaller lakes at a nearby shopping centre. However, the local road from Zagorje ob Savi towards Kordež prevents amphibians from reaching them. The new pond has shortened the amphibians’ path to the standing water, for which they do not need to cross the road. A sign warning drivers about amphibians has been installed on the local road.
The participation of Zagorje ob Savi in the LIFE AMPHICON project is an excellent example of how local communities can contribute to nature protection and biodiversity conservation. The restoration of the amphibian wetlands has provided an important contribution to the conservation of these key organisms, with a positive impact on the entire ecosystem. With this project, the Municipality of Zagorje ob Savi has demonstrated that a coordinated action and professional approach can achieve sustainable goals and protect our natural heritage for future generations.
In the photos below you can see the situation before and after the restoration or creation of new aquatic habitats and the new road sign on the local road.
Photo: B. Grošelj, T. Mikuš, S. Taškar, Ž. Vertič