One week ago, we provided an update on the highly successful First National Frog Patrol Summit. During this event, we had the privilege of meeting our dedicated volunteers in person. In an effort to gain deeper insights into their behavior and motivations, we distributed a concise survey, the results of which we now share in this article.
Our volunteers invest their time and energy into frog patrol activities out of a profound love for animals and the natural world. Through these endeavors, they find joy in collaborative efforts and in accompanying amphibians along their migration routes. Beyond some responses echoing the sentiment of “what is necessary is not difficult,” we discovered a prevailing high moral compass and a strong sense of responsibility among all our volunteers. When probing for the driving forces behind their actions, a common theme emerges: a commitment to safeguarding future generations, bolstering diverse populations, and safeguarding endangered species. Some even perceive their involvement as a personal mission.
We also inquired about the origins of our volunteers’ interest in amphibians. Surprisingly, one-third of all respondents shared that their curiosity dates back to their childhood. They fondly recall observing frogs in nearby puddles and ponds, often with their siblings. Some even reminisce about impromptu frog rescues, crossing streets to relocate these creatures in their local habitats.
The responses from our volunteers highlight the crucial importance of educating younger generations about nature conservation and the preservation of endangered species. We are delighted that a significant aspect of our project involves raising awareness and educating the broader public, with a particular focus on children (Action E: Public awareness and dissemination of results). Through this endeavor, our professional team imparts knowledge to the next generation, nurturing future volunteers and advocates for the environment.

Photo: Ž. Vertič