The LIFE AMPHICON project team conducted an extensive two year (2020 and 2021) survey of amphibians in the Jovsi project site in Natura 2000 area Dobrava–Jovsi. The main purpose was to provide baseline information on the population of target species Bombina bombina in order to design the concrete conservation actions for the site. We estimated that the population was very small and on the brink of extinction already during the application of the LIFE AMPHICON project and that there was an urgent need for active conservation measures.
Since the presence of Bombina bombina had not been confirmed in Jovsi in the year 2020, we extended the surveyed area in 2021 to the whole Natura 2000 area Dobrava–Jovsi. In Dobrava forest we found Bombina variegata, a species for which the Natura 2000 area has been designated, but no Bombina bombina. Furthermore, after we had analysed the main morphological characteristics of captured toads, the majority of them belonged to pure Bombina variegata and just few specimens had characteristics of hybrids between Bombina bombina and Bombina variegata. On this basis we conclude that Bombina bombina has become extinct from Natura 2000 area Dobrava–Jovsi.
Additionally, the results of the survey showed that the population of Triturus carnifex is very small and in a bad conservation state in Natura 2000 area Dobrava–Jovsi. Only few individuals have been found on seven locations and all breeding sites had dried out before the successful metamorphosis of larvae. The only exception with a successful metamorphosis in 2021 were the new ponds that were created in February 2021 within the LIFE AMPHICON project.
To mitigate the present situation of Triturus carnifex in Dobrava–Jovsi site and consequently allow a long term survival of this small isolated population, the population management action for Triturus carnifex will be performed along with the creation and restoration of water habitats and the improvement of terrestrial habitats.
Photo: Tadeja Smolej