In 2022, the A.1 action was successfully completed....
In 2022, the A.1 action was successfully completed....
The LIFE AMPHICON project team conducted an extensive two year (2020 and 2021) survey of amphibians in the Jovsi project site in Natura 2000 area Dobrava–Jovsi. The main purpose was to provide baseline information on the population of target species Bombina bombina in order to design the...
In February the first three ponds were created in the LIFE AMPHICON project in Jovsi to improve the habitats of target amphibian species....
It is warm and sunny in the region of the Lower Oder Valley National Park – the breeding season of the fire-bellied toad has started....
The German team (VUO & AMPHI) met for a joint inspection of the project areas around the Felchowsee. All visited locations were documented and their suitability for the (re-)creation of habitats was assessed. More locations were identified for the actionplan (ponds, summer and winter habitats)...
Amphibians are heavily dependent on different types of habitats and migrate among them on an annual basis. The most noticed are spring migrations to breeding sites since some species are explosive breeders and they all migrate almost simultaneously. The autumn migration to hibernation sites is...
On 17 April 2020, the project partners from the Municipality of Grosuplje and Tourism Grosuplje visited the sites of the Radensko Polje Landscape Park where the conservation measures for the amphibians and their habitats will be implemented....