
Author: Suzana Občina Grosuplje

On Wednesday, 10th November 2021 we held an online lecture which was attended by 20 members of the SHS. We presented the LIFE AMPHICON project – AMPHIbian CONservation and Habitat Restoration focusing on the project achievements realised activities and the planned activities regarding amphibians and...

From 28th to 29th of October 2021, an international conference on amphibian protection measures "Renaturation of Lakes and Kettle Holes, Ponds and Pools and Other Amphibian Conservation Measures" was held in Criewen in the National Park of the Lower Odra Valley. The LIFE AMPHICON project...

izvajanja drugih ukrepov za dvoživke – na primer popisi, vzpostavljanje mlak, ukrepi v kopenskih habitatih in podobno. Vljudno vas vabimo, da ukrepe za ohranjanje dvoživk predstavite v novičniku Regljač. Za natančnejše informacije v povezavi z vsebino prispevka nas lahko kontaktirate preko telefonske številke 064 229 577...

Within the international conference "Renaturation of Lakes and Kettle Holes, Ponds and Pools and Other Amphibian Conservation Measures" that took place in Criewen between 28 and 29 October 2021 the team members presented the project and its activities....