

New year is approaching, so as part of the project, we designed and prepared a CALENDAR for 2021. The calendar is designed as an educational material for learning about different species of amphibians in their living environment. At the same time a girl called Amfi...

On November 18, 2020, the Verein der Freunde des Deutsch-Polnischen Europa-Nationalparks (VUO), represented by the managing director Thomas Michael and Dr. Gabriele Kowalski, visited the Uckermark district administration to present the project LIFE AMPHICON....

In order to bring the world of amphibians closer to students, the LIFE AMPHICON project will participate in the implementation of the quiz in the school year 2020/21, which is organized by the Community of Natural Parks of Slovenia for the fourth year in a...

The project partners have installed the LIFE notice boards at the entrances of their organizations. Three LIFE notice boards are in English and six in the Slovenian language. The notice boards include the names and logos of the coordinating beneficiary, associated beneficiaries, and co-financers. The...

On 17 April 2020, the project partners from the Municipality of Grosuplje and Tourism Grosuplje visited the sites of the Landscape Park of Radensko Polje where the conservation measures for the amphibians and their habitats will be implemented....

At Radensko polje, the LIFE AMPHICON team caught Katja Poboljšaj at work as part of the implementation of the activities within the project TIES OF NATURE, which takes place within the financing programme 2014 – 2020 INTERREG V-A Slovenia – Croatia. As part of networking...

On 5 March 2020, the external monitor Mitja Kaligarič, PhD from NEEMO organization visited the LIFE AMPHICON project. During the monitoring visit, the general obligations and roles of the beneficiaries as well as technical progress, accounting and reporting systems were examined and reviewed. Ms Julijana...